Top Five Halo Infinite Weapons

Shown above is the BR75 model from Microsoft's Halo: Infinite.

#1: The Battle Rifle. The battle rifle is a very versatile weapon, I rank it so high on this list because of a few factors. Its an ideal weapon for short to mid-range engagements, and performs exceptionally well in the sweet spot between these distances. If an enemy is charging you, the BR75 has a three round burst should drop their shields very quickly. This weapon has very little time between bursts, and is a precision weapon, meaning it will eliminate an unshielded opponent if any of the rounds hit their helmet. The only downside for this weapon is that each individual round does very low damage, so you need to be precise with your shots. It takes some time to get used to this weapon, but once you have, it's great for any scenario.

Shown above is the Brute Mangler model from Microsoft's Halo: Infinite.

#2: The Mangler. The mangler is a top tier weapon for close range engagements, which this game is full of on most of its maps. The usage of this weapon will almost always guarantee you come out on top in a close quarters conflict, three rounds from this weapon is enough to eliminate an enemy. The mangler is a close range high damage bladed weapon. It does seventy-one damage per round, and only takes one second to cycle rounds, which is the most challenging part of wielding this weapon aside from the fact that the projectile is lobbed. The only reason it is lower than the battle rifle on this list is because while it excels in close range combat, mid to long range combat is almost impossible with this weapon, as the projectile moves slowly and due to the fact that it is a lobbed shot, it tends to hit the ground before going very far.

Shown above is the S7 sniper model from Microsoft's Halo: Infinite.

#3: The S7 Sniper. The S7 Sniper Rifle is a very, very powerful precision weapon. Its damage output is nearly unmatched, one single hit will knock out the opponents shields, furthermore, a headshot is an instant elimination, even through the shields. The weapon excels at long range combat, but, being a very precise weapon, it takes a lot of timing and practice to get good with the weapon. The only thing keeping this weapon from being higher is its limited adaptability outside of long to mid range combat. Some people can become proficient with this weapon, even at close ranges. While it's an excellent pick if you are skilled with it, the weapon can be quite frustrating to learn how to use.

Shown above is the Cindershot model from Microsoft's Halo: Infinite.

#4: The Cindershot. The Cindershot is one of halos more unique alien weapons. It functions as a sort of grenade launcher, firing rounds of orange light that bounce across the ground a few times before detonating. The cindershot does a whopping 200 damage on a direct hit, ranging from 160-40 damage depending on the radius the enemy is from the blast. For reference, players have 230 health. In addition, the weapon has a weak guiding system, if you aim in with this weapon, you may shoot the grenades in a straight line, swerving the bullets wherever you aim your weapon, giving it the ability to hit people behind walls. The cindershot is a wonderful support weapon for flushing enemies out of cover and dealing damage to multiple targets at once.

Shown above is a drawing of one of Halo's most notable weapons; the energy sword.

#5: Energy Sword. Energy swords are a very special weapon, and great to have in close quarters engagements. Infact, its better than the Bulldog at close range. The energy sword is a very powerful melee weapon, dealing a whopping 460 damage to an enemy player, enough to go through a whole layer of overshield. In addition to its already massive damage boost, the sword makes the user run slightly faster, and then lunge to attack, giving the user far more mobility and range than a normal melee attack. Over all, it is an excellent weapon. Just, only in close quarters.