Who Reads The Word at GHHS?

In these two charts, you can see that more Seniors responded than Juniors, more Juniors responded than sophomores, and more Sophomores responded than Freshman. It is also prominent that most of those who responded said that they never read The Word. a smaller majority also replied that they sometimes read the word, and very very few said that they often or always read the word. Out of about 380 students, only 60 responded, which means that a majority of students do not participate in Google forms. A very large majority. 60/380 Students responded to the Google form, thats about one in 6 students responding. Upon resending the Google form, after two weeks, 22 more students responded, bringing the total up from 60 all the way to 82, almost ¼ of total students.

As you can see in the chart above, the responses seemed to stay consistent, with more total seniors responding than total juniors, and more juniors responding than sophomores. There were 25 senior responses, and 22 junior responses. After resending the form, however, the same amount of freshman replied than sophomores overall, with the total count of freshman responses being 17, and the total number of sophomore responses being 17 as well.

In this pie chart, you can see the percentages of the student responses to “how often do you read the word?” Often was only 1.2%, which was one response, Always was 6.1%, which was 4 responses, sometimes was 24.4%, which was 20 responses, and Never was 68.3%, at a total of 56 responses. As you can see, many grandview students do not respond to Google forms, and those who do, seem to not read The Word. Thank you for reading!